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Workplace Creativity Articles

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Wanna Be Cool?

The Book of Cool


The Book of Cool is actually a set of DVDs and a book which document how some of the world’s “coolest people” perform their “coolest tricks.”

This is like the Cliff Notes of cool.

The concept is wicked smart in my opinion. It implies two things:

1. THESE tricks can make you cool.
Are these tricks really going to change your social status? Probably not. In reality, it gives you a chance to be the life of the party sometime.

2. You can learn these tricks through tutorial.
Will watching these videos and reading the accompanying book give you the ability to perform these tricks? Once again, probably not. In reality, what will give you the ability is practice. Lots and lots of practice. But we don’t like to hear that, so we believe BUYING and WATCHING will enable us. Just like weight loss and self-help books… some will buy, fewer will read (although the entertainment quality of the DVDs will surely increase how many watch this), and even fewer will actually implement what they learn.

For most people though, they’ll feel coolest just by purchasing this in the first place.

Do you make people feel cool, smart, clever, beautiful, or better just by purchasing your product or service? It’s great (and more enduring.. and the only way to be honest) if you can follow through with that promise. But even when your product can fulfill that desire, if PURCHASING it doesn’t lead to a sense of gratification then you’re missing out on MANY sales.

This is where product design, customer experience, website design, graphic design, word of mouth, and packaging help make your cool product… ingenious.

Hat tip to Kathy Sierra.

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