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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

9 Lives

Cats don’t have 9 lives. Most of them are perceptive and nimble creatures. Growing up, we actually had a cat that wasn’t perceptive or nimble. He fell on his back ALL THE TIME. Needless to say, he didn’t last long in rural Oklahoma. But this isn’t a cat blog, so I’ll get to the point.

Successful people don’t have 9 lives either. They’re not made of Teflon, nor are they truly golden. Most are nimble and resourceful. Yes, a few are just lucky. But, the bottom line is they were given one life to live.

Just like you.

What Einstein, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Maya Angelou and others like them have accomplished… has been in one life.

We all want to be world-changers. By now, you probably realize your life won’t be measured on an international, or even national, scale. Still, your impact could be just as important.

What if we thought about 9 lives in a different way?

What if you could choose 9 lives? Just 9 lives you could impact. How would it change the way you viewed being a world-changer? If you could be a positive influence – through encouragement, inspiration, support, acceptance, justice… love – you could change the world for one person. Then another. Then another.

You’ve been given one life, choose to use it wisely.

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