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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Advertising as Entertainment: Update

Practicing our telepathy, John Moore (of Brand Autopsy) and I struck a similar chord on our most recent posts. Citing an Adweek article, John takes issue with RadioShack’s VP of Marketing and Brand Communication, Kieran Hannon.

“We want to entertain [consumers] and make RadioShack relevant and exciting again for people to shop at. We have high awareness, but not high relevance. People don’t realize the depth and breadth of products we have.” [SOURCE: Adweek | Nov. 7 | pg.6. Emphasis mine.

John says, “If you are expecting a multi-million/multi-dimensional Holiday advertising blitz to make a brand relevant, then you should expect to fail.”

And that’s all I have to say about that.

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