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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

The Artist’s Canvas

When I was in high school, I remember telling my parents I wanted to be an artist. This was no shocker. I had wanted to be an artist since i was a little kid.

But I think my parents were hoping I’d “grow up” and mature beyond wanting to be an artist. They asked how I would make a living and worried I was throwing away an opportunity to pursue something else in college.

As much as this made an impression on me, I realized recently I was doing the same thing to my son, who is now in high school. He wants to be an automotive mechanic.

I tried to persuade him to pursue something else.

But then I heard him talking about cars. You would think Bugatti and Aston Martin were Kandinsky and Andy Warhol

He has found his art. It just uses a different canvas.

Find your canvas.

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