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Technorati and Terrorism

Technorati has been slammed following the terrorist attacks in London. Topline functions seem to be operational, maybe a little sluggish at times. More specific searches, especially watchlist services, are nearly unusable.

It reminds me of the difficulty I had pulling up on 9/11. I ended up watching BBC’s online coverage of the attacks in NY instead. CNN wasn’t the only website with overwhelming online traffic issues as you can see from Google’s homepage on that day:

It seems the collision of the growing popularity of blogs and a world-changing event have created a similar issue for Technorati. The online news onslaught on 9/11 may have been the catalyst for Google’s launch of Google News. It will be interesting to see if this event prompts an evolution of Technorati as well.

Yesterday I was able to use Technorati to search for information on the London bombings. I was amazed by how much information had already been compiled, like these images on Flickr. As fascinating as the technology advances and repercussions are, the tragedy of this event overshadows any ponderings. Being an Oklahoman through the OKC bombing and an American through the 9/11 attacks, my thoughts and prayers are with those so deeply hurt by these atrocities.

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