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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.


Not “This Week In Baseball” but “This Week In Blogs.”

There were a few homeruns hit by my fellow bloggers this week. Here’s some of the highlights:

Kathy Sierra of Creating Passionate Users put together not only a provoking post, but a snazzy chart as well as she explains the old and new models of spending marketing and ad dollars, knocking it out of the park.

Veteran purpose-focused slugger John Stanko adds to his homerun stats by discussing being free to create. This makes for a nice addendum to my earlier discussion on ideas and opinions.

The “always-worth-reading” johnmoore of Brand Autopsy points out why Word of Mouth has not taken off. The reason: most products, services, and businesses just aren’t worth talking about. Moore has been red-hot lately and with one swing of the bat… BOOM goes the dynamite!

Did you read or write something this week that you feel is noteworthy? Post a link in the comments. No self-promotion is too shameless. Plugs are welcome.

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