No, I’m not standing here with my hat in my hands.
But, if you’re wondering how you can help this blog be successful (as I know that is all you think about nowadays), here’s a few suggestions:
1. Join in on the discussion.
I have been hearing/reading this from a lot of people, “I read your blog every week (since I only update weekly), but I never leave a comment.”
Feel free to jump in and comment. We’re all learning this stuff together
2. Extend the discussion. (I enjoy this even more)
If you find what I’ve written interesting and you think others would benefit, you have two options: If you don’t have a blog, email a link to someone who’d benefit. If you do have a blog, write your own post about my idea. Make sure to Trackback/Pingback so my readers and I know you’ve extended the discussion.
I don’t sell ads, I don’t make money from the books I recommend. But I believe the more the above two things (joining and extending) happen, the more all of us will benefit from blogs.