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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Being CoPassionate

There’s one character who appears in The Incredibles only three times, but he really says it all, that little kid on the tricycle. When Mr. Incredible yells at him, “Well, what are you waiting for?” the kid replies, “Oh, I don’t know. Something amazing, I guess.” That’s what we’re ALL waiting for.
Andrea Gronvall interview with Brad Bird, Director of Pixar’s The Incredibles.

My wife and I were talking the other evening. She said, “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

It’s not what you think.

My wife is a dental hygienist. She had been at a “team meeting” with the dental office. My wife thought the dental consultant said something I would say. They discussed how to ask patients questions and discover what the patient might want done to enhance their smile. The hope is that they discover something the patient is passionate about changing. The consultant then encouraged the office staff to be passionate about that change with the patient.

That’s being CoPassionate.

Being CoPassionate is the difference between being considered an inspiration and being considered a nut.

Being passionate about what you offer customers is great. Understanding why your customers get passionate and reflecting that back to them is even better. When you do that, something amazing happens.

That’s what we’re ALL waiting for.

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