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Bloggers Who Have Influenced Me – Seth Godin

Seth Godin portrait by Dustin Staiger
Illustration based on this Flickr photo by Mark Hurst.

Without a doubt, no other blogger has influenced my perceptions of marketing more than Seth Godin. Before I started reading Seth’s blog and books, I had a pretty narrow perception of marketing. I also had a narrow perception of career and business success.

Here’s what I’ve learned from Seth (in no particular order):

Permission marketing is more effective than interruption marketing.

Getting your message to sneezers is more urgent than getting it to the masses.

Remarkable gets remarked about.

Very good is the opposite of remarkable.

Perfection is the enemy of remarkable.

Survival is not enough.

There’s always a story.

How you tell it matters.

I am a laser beam.

Small is the new big.

Treat different customers differently. (segmentation ain’t just for databases)

Ideas are different than opinions. (which lead to this)


Seth is labeled as an agent of change. I find that appropriate since I can truly say he has changed the course of my career, which of course changes the course of my life.

Thank you Seth, for inspiring change. I, for one, have benefited from it.

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