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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

For Those of You Wondering…

Why is this a blog called Casual Fridays and its URL is

Why Casual Fridays?

I chose this blog name mostly because I knew I would struggle to post to the blog every day. I figured I could post something each week (though I struggle with that sometimes as well), but I was afraid people would get frustrated six days of the week coming here and not seeing anything new. So I decided I would post on the same day each week.

I noticed there wasn’t much blog activity on Fridays, so I thought I would fill the gap a little. Since I knew I would be addressing business issues, the phrase “casual Fridays” made sense to set the theme and mood of my blog.

Why The People Brand?

The People Brand was the name under which I worked. It was my dba (doing business as). After accepting a position at Hahn Promotions recently, I no longer do business as The People Brand.

I chose TPB as my business name because I felt as though many businesses had lost what they’re all about: people. Your brand isn’t a feature or a positioning statement. It is people. Your management, your employees, your customers and non-customers alike.

Branding is about people. Business is about people. Its about how we treat one another. Its about how we show appreciation. Its about how we make them feel, how we feel, and how we communicate that… to PEOPLE.

Why am I saying this now?

I feel like I’ve strayed away. I’ve been in a rut. From the way I write to the way I read.


I’m going to experiment a little… maybe a lot. But I’m hoping the one thing that continually comes across is the message: Business is about people.

I know it sounds cliche… “We’re in the people business.”

Everyone says that.

I want to say it differently. What that looks like??? Well, we’re gonna find out.
Hope you enjoy the ride.

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