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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

SnapThoughts 10/5/07

My wife is a dental hygienist. We participated with her dental office in a fundraising walk supporting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation last weekend. Instead of simply showing up and walking, the dentists at Berkshire Dental Group decided they would bring Flossie, a 9 foot-tall penguin tooth fairy.

Penguin Walk

The ‘statue’ usually resides in front of their office. It was no small task bringing her to the walk, but it paid in dividends. People were getting their picture taken with Flossie. Look at the the photo below. That’s a news camera in the background. The main goal was to raise funds for JDRF, which we did. But why not make a splash at the same time?
Penguin Walk 2
I own a 3rd generation iPod. It looks like a Commodore 64 compared to the new iPods. But, it plays music and has a glorious 10GB hard drive. So, I’m reluctant to buy a new one. The battery began to no longer hold a charge several months ago, so I couldn’t use it unless it was plugged into a power source. It pretty much became useless. I was considering replacing it with a new iPod when I noticed Small Dog Electronics had an iPod battery replacement kit. I was nervous cracking open my iPod, but the process went pretty smoothly (with the exception of continually breaking the cheap plastic tools used to open the iPod).

Dissected iPod

Below is a pic of the recycling option for the iPod battery. A little crude, but it’s more than they had to do. I sent mine back for recycling.
Recycle iPod Battery

With any purchase from Small Dog, you get… small dogs. I’ve been ordering from Small Dog since the late ’90s, so I’m creating a collection of these little fellas.Smalldog Small Dogs

Some White Cloud diapers now feature characters by John Lennon. John Lennon artwork on baby diapers? Perhaps a sign of licensing gone too far.John Lennon Diapers

This is a license plate on a green Jeep Cherokee. It reads ‘PMS343C’. I won’t bother explaining it, but graphic designers will appreciate it.Jeep PMS

While at Ultimate Electronic several months ago, I was looking at camcorders with hard drives. The specs on these two models were nearly identical, yet there was a nearly $700 difference between the two. No explanation. I was amazed.Camcorder Prices

The last two SnapThoughts involve screen instructions on automated machines.

First is an ATM screen. If the ATM is out of order, why not display the locations of the nearest alternatives?

ATM Down

Below is a screen from an automated postage machine at a local U.S. Post Office. Can someone help me understand how to comply with these instructions?
Postage Machine

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