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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

The Idea Orphanage

I don’t know how many there are.

Millions? Billions?

I do know they’re alone and wandering. They have been abandoned and forgotten.

How did they get here?


Not their fear. Ours.

They are idea orphans. Former hopes, dreams and aspirations who have no guardians.

They were once filled with energy and hope. Now they have no purpose, no passion, no life.

What ideas did you give up on? What dream did you abandon?

Perhaps they’re still here, at the orphanage. You know they’re yours. They stare back with your eyes. They call out with your voice. You both long to be reunited.

What is keeping you apart? Is it fear?

Will you let that fear come between you again?


Will you boldly reclaim your ideas – your dreams… today?

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