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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.


Here’s a quick brainstorming tip.

Next time you’re stuck on predictible, unoriginal ideas, try this:
Think 180°.

  1. Ask yourself, “What is the LAST thing I would do in this situation?” or “What is an idea opposite of these?”
  2. Make a list of the ideas that come to mind.
  3. Read over the list and evaluate WHY each idea wouldn’t work.

Now, you may not use any of the ideas you’ve listed, but you’ve stimulated new thoughts. After you explore the opposites, you may go back to one of your original ideas with a twist. “What if we create this product, but market it to women in business instead of men?”  “What if we do the seminar on these topics, but the seminar is free, we charge for lunch and sell snacks during breaks?”

Sometimes thinking outside the box is most helpful when you eventually bring the ideas back inside the box.

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