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Workplace Creativity Articles

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How do you relate to memes?


meme is defined as “an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.” This could be anything from fauhawks, to LOL Cats to how you practice religion or whether or not you recycle.

We often unconsciously make decisions on how we relate to these memes. We can easily consume and be a conduit for these ideas, behaviors and styles without even realizing it. We can also be disinterested in or disconnected from memes with little thought.

What can truly define us are the memes we chose to create or chase and the ones with which we are determined to disagree. These are decisions we make with greater intention.

The issue with this is when we relate passively (positively or negatively) with memes of significance, while we relate intentionally to the less significant memes. I churn stomach acid over fictional TV characters and college football while real people are illiterate, hungry and/or dying of an easily-treated disease.

What would happen if we worked to relate intentionally with memes of significance?

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