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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Micro Messages

There’s a lot of talk about Story today. Story with a capital “S.” We focus on the big story, but it is hard to write. It seems daunting to write our big “S” Story. We struggle to answer if someone asks us to summarize our life story, tell them what our business is all about or answer why our church or non-profit exists.

Maybe we should, instead, craft a series of “micro messages.” We can focus on the little things we communicate to people.

  • Actually smile… genuinely.
  • Ask a question showing you care.
  • Be eager to do the right thing.
  • Do the extra work.
  • Be generous.

When we “write” these micro messages, pretty soon we realize we are telling the big story and it feels like it is writing itself. After a while, we can even see a common thread*. The beautiful thing is that when people ask you to summarize the big story, now you can share a micro message (or two or three if they’re interested) that tells them what they really want to know.

*(Hint: the thread is the big story)

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