I was thinking today of leaders with very different approaches, both effective in their own way.
The first approached leadership like a landscaper approaches his work. He would try and plant people in the area they could best grow. The right environment of grounding (soil) and inspiration (light) was integral to good growth. He didn’t stop with the front-end of the process, he continued as a caretaker with routine check-ins which were incredibly personable. If someone was burning out, he watered their soil with compassion and encouragement. The focus of his work was to take his environment, marry it with his resources and reveal their potential for beauty. He was a master at this.
The second individual I considered approached leadership like a clockmaker. He analyzed what was needed for a particular role and made sure candidates fit the proper specifications. There was a precision and polish which often translated into impressive performance. His teams were calibrated to meet high expectations and create a fantastic product. Not everyone would make the cut, but this attracted amazing talent. If he sensed the timing within his team was off, he would hone in on the issue and recalibrate the components. This may be an adjustment to someone’s role or a change of personnel. The focus of his work was to maximize his opportunity for impact. He was a master at this.
Neither of these approaches is “right” or “wrong” but they are not interchangeable. These two individuals recognized their leadership style and leaned into it. Do one of these resemble your style of leadership, or is your approach different? We all have a leadership style whether or not we’re aware. Do you know what yours is?