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Workplace Creativity Articles

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Seeing Your Reality Filter

Some people are disconnected from reality.

  • That person on the opposite of side of the political spectrum from you
  • The job candidate with no experience and stratospheric expectations
  • Those customers who want something that cures cancer, tastes like chocolate and costs a nickel
  • Even Steve Jobs had his famous “reality distortion field”

Neuroscience has confirmed that we do not experience reality. We only experience our perception of it.

A recent Salon article explains.

Our five senses are like a keyboard to a computer — they provide the means for information from the world to get in, but they have very little to do with what is then experienced in perception.

So–technically–ALL of us are disconnected from reality.

What implications does this have?

  1. Dealing with others
    If you realize everyone else sees reality differently than you do, then navigating life with others requires empathy. In order to communicate with, persuade and lead others requires seeing things from their perspective.
  2. Dealing with yourself
    If reality is experienced in our perceptions, then your reality filter is important.

Information enters through your five senses. That raw data is processed and you turn it into meaning.

YOU give it meaning.

A rejection can be seen as “No” or “Not yet.”
Threats can be seen as opportunities.
Failure can be seen as growth.

Benjamin Zander says it best with this story from his TED Talk.

Probably a lot of you know the story of the two salesmen who went down to Africa in the 1900s. They were sent down to find if there was any opportunity for selling shoes, and they wrote telegrams back to Manchester. And one of them wrote, “Situation hopeless. Stop. They don’t wear shoes.” And the other one wrote, “Glorious opportunity. They don’t have any shoes yet.”

Be aware of the stories you are telling about others, about yourself and TO yourself. Then ask if those are the stories worth writing.

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