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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Priceless Stuffing

If you had tens of thousands of dollars, what would you do with it?

You could spend it.

You could invest it.

You could give it to a worthy cause.

Here’s a thought… how about stuffing it under your mattress?

You probably wouldn’t do that, would you? It’s not doing anyone any good. You’re not putting it to use. If you put it in a savings account, it would at least gain interest. But hidden under your mattress, it’s just a lump under your bed. So, you’re effectively turning that thing that could have had purpose and meaning into a low-grade irritant that makes it harder for you to sleep.

This isn’t about money, is it?

It’s about that thing inside of you. Your art. Your creativity. Your life’s work.

Are you stuffing it under the mattress? Is it a lump that keeps getting bigger and bigger, making it hard for you to sleep at night? Maybe that low-grade irritation you feel inside is the knowledge that you have more to give, but you keep stuffing it down.

Take it out from under the mattress and put it out in the world. It’s there for a reason. Let’s put it to use. Keep doing this and you might find that, like compound interest, your investment grows exponentially.

Sure, under the mattress feels safe, but the risk is losing something greater. Meaning.

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