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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Holding Genius Hostage

You have a genius.

As a child, you listened to him.

He guided you to adventure.

She opened your eyes to wonder.

The world was your canvas.

You were an artist. An astronaut. A superhero.

Your creativity and imagination were limitless. Because of your genius.

You’re older now and haven’t listened to your genius in so many years. You assumed he was gone, never to return.


and perhaps, to your wondrous surprise…

You will hear, “Hmmph. Hrrmmph. Hmmph.”

And realize your genius never left.

You simply held her hostage.

And you–only you–can untie her so she can lead you to wonder again.

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