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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Symptoms of Stuck

When I’m stuck, I find myself saying, “I just need to figure this out.”

It’s a sign that I’m looking for the perfect answer. An answer that undoubtedly won’t come from trying to figure it out in my head.

What’s the alternative?

One option is to make a list of all the imperfect ideas. Pick one. And move forward with it.

You can continue to wait for Godot, the Great Pumpkin, or the perfect muse to inspire you. In the end, you’re still waiting.

The best way to move forward is with what you have. You find what you’re waiting for when you stop waiting for it.

Challenge: What is a sign you’re waiting for the perfect answer? Be aware this week when you feel stuck. What is the story you tell yourself? (e.g. “I don’t know what to do.”, ” I need to think about it.”, “I need more information.”)

Then ask, “How can I move forward with what I have?” It’s the moving forward that will get you unstuck.

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