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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Understanding Purpose & People

If you want better creative solutions, you should ask the right questions.

Make sure you understand two things:

  1. The purpose of what you’re doing
  2. The people it’s for

Purpose seems simple enough, but we often settle for superficial answers about profit or customer satisfaction. The deeper question helps you understand the change you wish to make. How will things be different if you succeed? The purpose should be something people would miss if it were gone.

People can also seem easy to identify. The problem is we almost always think too broadly. Be specific. Define this as the smallest niche possible. Who really benefits from the purpose you’ve defined? Would they tell two other people about it? That’s the kind of person you need to delight.

If you understand the purpose and the people, then remarkable creative solutions will become more obvious. It starts by asking the right questions.

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