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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Is Technology Helping or Hurting Workplace Creativity?

How is technology affecting workplace creativity?

It’s not just about whether or not you have the latest technology. It’s also about how it’s used.

Do email or Slack messages create interruptions making it hard for people to concentrate for long periods to perform focus work? Are cell phones and laptops used during collaborative meetings in a way that hinders participation because attendees aren’t truly present?

The order in which technology is used is also important.

Earlier in the creative cycle, it can be helpful to use analogue processes, like writing or drawing on a dry erase board or pad of paper, instead of immediately jumping onto your computer. First, the analogue tools can shelter us more from the distractions of the internet an email. Second, the act of physically creating with our hands is a primer for our creative juices. It’s a form of the creative habit we discussed earlier.

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