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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Permission Granted

During her creativity workshop, Liz Gilbert asks people to write a note from the principal’s office giving themselves permission to do whatever it is that they want to do.

Does this change anything? No.

But it changes everything.

When we give ourselves permission, we realize we don’t need affirmation. If we are able to be really honest with ourselves, we know what we want to do.

  • We’re scared it’s the wrong thing.
  • We’re scared we’ll make a big mistake and get in trouble.
  • We’’re scared we’re being selfish.
  • We’re scared it won’t be that great.
  • We’re scared it will be too much.

Somehow, having permission changes all that.

What are you seeking permission to do? What if you granted yourself permission instead of waiting for someone else’s affirmation?

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