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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Habits & Culture

Individual habits (like running) are great. This is where change starts.

If we want to create a change that spreads, we have to address culture. “Culture” seems like a big, shapeless word sometimes. In reality, culture is a group’s habits. 

Group behavior over time equals culture.

So, we don’t necessarily CREATE culture, but we can BEND it.

Joining a running club reinforces the habit you want to instill. 

Starting a running club at your workplace bends the culture. 

Part of finding your way back to your creative identity is more than developing creative habits. It’s also about finding your creative leadership. The kind that bends the culture toward greater creativity.

What can you do to lead out of your creative identity? Leading creates greater accountability which can help make creative habits stickier.

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