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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Disappearing Artists

15 years ago, I read a book that changed my life: Orbiting The Giant Hairball by Gordon MacKenzie. Gordon shared how society robs us of the greatest gift we all receive at birth, our identity as creative geniuses. Schools and workplaces seem to work overtime convincing us we are not creative. While visiting schools, Gordon asked the first graders how many of them were artists. All of them raised their hands – both hands – high into the air. By second grade they just raised one hand. This regression continued until, by sixth grade, only one or two students sheepishly raised their hands.

This story stuck with me.

I keep buying copies of the book and giving it to others. I am afraid I won’t find copies eventually.

Unfortunately, Gordon died many years ago. He cannot write another book. But this message connected with me in a way nothing else has. I decided it is something I can spend the rest of my life promoting.

So, that is why I am writing my book.

It is why I write my blog articles.

It is why I speak to companies and groups about creativity in the workplace.

I am picking up Gordon’s mantle. We’ll see how it fits as I share the art of not getting sucked into the Hairball of corporate culture. Of not losing all connection and failing to make an impact. But learning to orbit.

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