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Moving to The Frontline

Some dreams are lived. Some die. Others change. For almost two years, I’ve been the creative director at Beyond Marketing & Advertising. I started that endeavor with high expectations for what I could accomplish and what we could create as a company. Some...

Reclaiming Your Orphans

I got some correspondence on The Idea Orphanage that encouraged me to share advise on reclaiming your idea orphans. I guess it would be rather cruel to raise awareness of the lost and abandoned without giving a way for you to help. So, here are a few ways to get the...

Death of a Moleskine

I was plugging away on my computer when I heard the cry from upstairs.  “Oh no!”  I asked my wife what was wrong.  “You’re going to hate me.”  She said. I climbed up the stairs and found her in the laundry room.  She began to pull out...

Building on Bad Ideas

“There are no such things as bad ideas.” Whoever invented that statement has never watched an infomercial. There are plenty of bad ideas. The essence of this statement is that bad ideas can lead to good ones. Unfortunately, we either disregard...

The Idea Orphanage

I don’t know how many there are. Millions? Billions? I do know they’re alone and wandering. They have been abandoned and forgotten. How did they get here? Fear. Not their fear. Ours. They are idea orphans. Former hopes, dreams and aspirations who have no...