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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

6 Destructive Habits in Team Meetings

People are imperfect creatures. Most of the time we manage to keep these flaws from being obvious. But in a group where personal agendas are at play and motives are suspect... our dysfunction can shift into overdrive. I've been in several team meetings - with...

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8 Posts (in exchange) for Your Consideration

You probably haven't read the hundreds of posts on this blog. I wouldn't expect anyone (other than me) to do that. But because of the reverse chronology of blogs, there may be posts you'd find valuable buried back in the archives. Here are a few. 7 Reasons No One...

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5 Conversation Killers You Can Avoid

Dinner guests came over to our home recently. We talked while preparing food and by the time we sat down the conversation was in full swing. Someone asked about a project I had been working on and I began sharing details. Lots of details. Over the course of a few...

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Man vs. Machine

Pulleys, wheels and levers are all considered simple machines. For centuries, people have used these to ensure whatever effort they applied translated into the biggest impact. The Egyptians used simple machines to help build the pyramids - a feat they could not have...

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The Filament Factor

"Think outside the box." "Can we afford this?" "We hired you for your ideas." "We don't have enough people or time to work on this." "Don't follow the rest of the pack." "That's not what our competitors are doing." "Be innovative." "I'm not going to be responsible if...

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Casual Subscriptions

  I try and update my blog about once a week, but posts may appear more or less often than that. So, if you would like to be notified when this new posts are added, the best option is to subscribe to email updates. The form is in the right-hand column of my blog...

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Present and Accounted For

"We have people in so many meetings, they don't have time for anything else." I hear statements like this from managers (typically while sitting in a meeting with them). I seem to hear it more often lately. Meetings are a necessity of business today, and can be a...

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The Smell of Entropy

Years ago, a colleague and I walked into a long-standing Bennigan's restaurant for lunch. We were seated pretty quickly and had our choice of almost any table in the joint. This was surprising because several businesses and a nearby hospital indicated a strong lunch...

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Failure Thesaurus

Risking failure and choosing failure are not synonyms. In fact, they are almost always antonyms. Recognizing this is a step (perhaps a significant one) toward courage.

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An Ode to the Bearers of Tension

In an age where the polemic are celebrated and rewarded, it is harder than ever to remain anywhere other than either side of a debate. Chris Matthews and Rush Limbaugh have capitalized on this. The market has demanded it. We prefer hours of strident contention over a...

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