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The People Brand Blog

Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Write Your Name in The Margin

The world continues to move at ever-increasing speed. Twitter is not going to slow down for you to catch your breath. Not only is work filling your day, but so are non-profits. Even consumer marketing seems to be vying for your time ("Visit our website." "Fill out...

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“Post-It Note” Your Brand

We've talked about the difficulty in discerning your unique, personal brand. Here's an exercise that can help you see a snapshot of your life and/or career, and ultimately help you define the 'Brand Called You' (ala Tom Peters). Post-It Note Timeline First, you'll...

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The Race and The Chase

Do you remember chasing anything as a kid? ... chasing friends while playing tag. ... chasing your pet dog as he was running away with the chew toy. ... chasing your dad around the house, eventually falling in a heap on the couch and ending in a tickle fight. At some...

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Lessons from the Sock Drawer

In our current economic situation, are you finding repeat business or intermittent sales? This may sound crazy, but the difference may be found in your sock drawer.  I'll explain in a minute.  First, I want to point you to a story about a Chicago cupcake boutique. ...

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Embracing Embarrassment

Fear of failure is overrated. We don't care as much about failing as we care about being embarrassed. Picture yourself on a baseball team. If there wasn't a chance of losing the game, it wouldn't be nearly as exciting to play hardball. The mantra is, "Win as a team...

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Why Hire Pros?

I have a friend who owns a restaurant business. He does all his own marketing and advertising... and he's quite good at it.  It's really fascinating to see what he comes up with and how tightly bound it is to his objectives and his brand.  Part of the fascination is...

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Pick a Fight

In her book The Creative Habit, Twyla Tharp gives several creative exercises. Creative Exercise #16 is Pick a Fight Tharp states that "Creativity is an act of defiance." What are you defying?  Are you willing to defy your usual route to the office and see what the new...

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New Look

I just haven't been happy with the look & feel of the blog lately. Trying out some new skins.  Maybe if I get the right theme going, I'll blog more often. 🙂

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Here's a quick brainstorming tip. Next time you're stuck on predictible, unoriginal ideas, try this: Think 180°. Ask yourself, "What is the LAST thing I would do in this situation?" or "What is an idea opposite of these?" Make a list of the ideas that come to mind....

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5 Tips for More Tantalizing Writing

The great folks at have asked me to contribute a monthly article to their site. If you're a writer of any sort (blogger, author, screenwriter, copywriter, etc.), FuelYourWriting is just beginning to fill with great tips and resources for you. My...

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