Do individuals need institutions, or do institutions need individuals? Addressing that question, johnmoore of Brand Autopsy snagged a nice find of a Dan Pink article recently published in Ad Age. Dan Pink states: That big agency or marketer needs you a lot more than...
The People Brand Blog
Workplace Creativity Articles
The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.
For Those of You Wondering…
Why is this a blog called Casual Fridays and its URL is Why Casual Fridays? I chose this blog name mostly because I knew I would struggle to post to the blog every day. I figured I could post something each week (though I struggle with that...
New vs. Now
Sometimes I write a post and struggle with it all week. I challenge my own statements and thoughts. After my last post, this week was definitely that case. So, here are some additional thoughts I've arrived at this week: New does not always = change Sometimes new =...
Redeem or Replace?
We love stories of redemption. I think it is something wired within us. It is something we all inherently yearn for. We love the idea of something new. I think it is something we've been trained to desire. New is sexy and mysterious. New is full of potential. New has...
Manual Focus on Work
Just to give you a hint of why I haven't been blogging as steadily the last few weeks, here's the type of articles I'm reading: 18 Ways to Stay Focused at Work
Polarizing Cupcakes
I was recently reading about the new Apple Mac Pro computers on digg. What's most interesting is the reaction Apple gets from any announcement. Apple fans usually love it. Apple haters hate it (go figure). Reading their comments on digg is not for the faint of heart....
What’s the 411 on last Friday?
I'm shifting priorities with the new career and it has made life a little chaotic. This last week, the blog was the ball that got dropped. My apologies. I'm still a work in progress.
Here It Goes Again…
Nearly 2.5 million views in two weeks. I can't stop playing this video. I think the beauty of it is how a big, polished production doesn't get in the way of the even bigger idea. The music's pretty good too. Send a link to your friends. Bloglines viewers click here:...
Empower Employees, Endear Customers
This would have been perfect if it were chocolate milk (see below). Two experiences this week that caught my attention. ---------- First ---------- My family came by the agency to eat downstairs at Gina and Guiseppi's. As we struggled to commit the kids to a drink...
How to Make What You’re Worth
Many people feel like they don't make what they're worth. The problem is you shouldn't be paid what you're worth. 1. Companies can't afford to pay you what you're worth. There's an issue of margins. 2. If you are bent on being paid what you're worth, then you'll only...
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