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Workplace Creativity Articles

The latest assertions on how we can bend workplace culture toward greater creativity and innovation.

Acorns Aren’t Efficient

Acorns Aren’t Efficient

The shortest route between two points is a straight line. But creativity often means trying multiple paths. If you always take the straight line, you wouldn’t discover the Brachistochrone curve 1, where the fastest route is not a straight line. Sometimes...

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Creativity Starts With One

Creativity Starts With One

Creativity is an act of vulnerability. If there is an absence of trust in your team or organization, it will be hard to encourage creativity and innovative work. The solution is vulnerability. As a leader – with or without an official title or authority – make a point...

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Creativity and Human Factors

Creativity and Human Factors

At a recent panel discussion, a talent management executive for a global technology company made a strong argument in favor of specific skills. But not technical skills. She called these “human factors.” Speaking upEmpathyExecuting fasterCooperation and...

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Workplace Creativity – Where To Start?

Workplace Creativity – Where To Start?

Yesterday, we looked at 4 areas that can impact our creativity at work: Our identity: how we view our own creativityOur space: how we design and use our physical environmentOur culture: how we treat each other and our habits as a groupOur processes: how we go through...

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Creative Suppression At Work

Creative Suppression At Work

According to a study by software giant Adobe, 77% of workers feel creativity is a critical job skill. Almost as many people believe being more creative makes people better. A search on Amazon reveals over 50,000 books about creativity. If we believe creativity is...

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Creativity, Skills, and Tools

Creativity, Skills, and Tools

As adults, when we think about creativity, we imagine giant crayons and finger paints. When we were five year olds, this was our way of expressing our creative spirit. This is also an age when we identified being an artist. So, now that we don’t wrap our fists around...

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Managing What’s Handy

Managing What’s Handy

Nearly every morning, my wife and I make the same breakfast. Two eggs with toast. I have mine with coffee. She has hers with a "cuppa" earl grey. After doing this for years, we have a system. We know where everything is. We know to start the coffee first, as it takes...

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Make Art or Die

Make Art or Die

We have art in order not to die of the truth.Friedrich Nietzsche Make art or you die a bit each day. More than ever, it is easy to live in qualitative metrics. We measure success at work through numbersWe count calories for nutritionWe track each step we walk, each...

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