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Gateway to a Conversation

Aaron at Confessions of a Brand Evangelist posted about “Word of Weather” today. No brand has word of mouth like the weather. Everyday, people everywhere are always talking about the weather. Why? What can we learn from “brand weather”? Talking...

The 5 Es of Personal Branding

R. Todd Stephens, Ph.D. made a comment concerning the 5 Es of branding. Don’t you love a doctor who makes house calls? He was curious how the 5 Es would apply to your personal brand, and whether all of them actually would. I think they all still apply. You must...

The Problem with Technorati

If you’re a blogger, you should know about Technorati. If you’re a marketer, you should know about it as well. Technorati is an online search engine for blogs. For a blogger, you can log in and see who is talking about your website and who is linking to...