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Optimized Book Reading

I was working on a post for last week, but wanted it to be spend more time on it. (faulty ‘perfectionistic’ thinking on my part)  I’ll post it Friday. To make up for it, here’s an article I found on optimizing your book reading experience: How...

Branding in the Third Person

Personal branding can be tricky. It’s difficult to see yourself objectively. It can be hard to judge yourself fairly without overestimating or underestimating your talent or ability. You’ve probably seen self-proclaimed ‘gurus’ who seem...

SnapThoughts 8/3/07

It’s been just over a month since I’ve done SnapThoughts, so here’s a few more: I wish I could have gotten a better picture of this, but we were traveling 70 mph.  In the dead tree there is a sign that reads “Skydiving Lessons ###-####”. ...