by dustin | Mar 28, 2008 | Creativity, Society, Spirituality
Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God: But only he who sees, takes off his shoes, The rest sit round it, and pluck blackberries… Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh A friend shared the poem above with me recently. I had...
by dustin | Mar 21, 2008 | Creativity, Ideas
I got feedback that my Reasons No One Likes Your Ideas was missing one important reason: your ideas are bad. I intentionally left that off the list, because it opens a whole new can of worms. I’m ready to open that can now. You’ve heard the saying,...
by dustin | Mar 14, 2008 | Creativity
While we’re in the midst of it, creativity can seem like a vast ocean. In reality, it is a lake. Without occasional rainfall, it begins to dry up and be depleted. We too need the rain. We need a healthy cycle of creation and recreation or we dry up and become...
by dustin | Mar 7, 2008 | Human Resources, Ideas
… the originator of ideas is undervalued. My family has had a business of somekind in my hometown since 1914. That might be where I get my entrepreneurial spirit. While I was growing up, we had a local grocery store named Staiger’s Grocery. Original,...