by dustin | Jun 27, 2014 | leadership, managing people, Professional Development, Success
Leaders should be destructive when obstacles are keeping them, or their people, from being the greatness they were created for. Focus on destroying obstacles – not your fears, not your competitors, and especially not your people.
by dustin | Jun 25, 2014 | leadership, managing people
A leader without a follower is simply taking a walk without knowing. – Ancient Proverb (multiple attributions) With an escalating amount change, uncertainty and cynicism in our world today, we need mutual leadership. This is when leaders and followers work...
by dustin | Jun 11, 2014 | Business Management, leadership, managing people
Indulge me with a short thought experiment. Imagine you’ve hired a professional photographer to get a well-crafted portrait of yourself. You arrive at the address he provided, which appears to be his house. You walk up to the front and ring the doorbell. He...
by dustin | Jun 9, 2014 | Personal Development, Professional Development, Success
We recently had a plumbing issue cause a flood in our house. The disaster restoration service brought in several large fans and dehumidifiers, which filled our home with a loud, constant drone. We had to move to one side of the house and close doors to take a phone...
by dustin | Jun 6, 2014 | Business Management, Human Resources, managing people, Professional Development
Putting a bear on a unicycle doesn’t do anyone any good. It humiliates the bear and wears out the unicycle. I’m all for servant leadership, but be careful about putting your most capable people on the most menial tasks.