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How Confusion And Fear Threaten Survival

We all have experienced moments where confusion and fear can threaten our survival. If you’ll bear with me, I have a personal story that illustrates this point. Several years ago, my wife and I were shopping for carpet. As we were talking with the salesperson, I...
Will AI and Automation Make America Happier?

Will AI and Automation Make America Happier?

There has been talk for many years about the effects of technology on the future of jobs. But will AI and Automation make America happier, or will it lead to a dystopian future? What impact will technology have on jobs? A recent Politico article highlights the...
How Posture Can Make You More Creative

How Posture Can Make You More Creative

Most of us remember our parents chiding us to “Sit up straight.” Honestly, they probably just cared about us not looking like a slouch, but they also implied good posture was better for our health. But there’s another reason to pay attention to your...
Why Constant Focus Hurts Your Creativity

Why Constant Focus Hurts Your Creativity

Have you ever had a nagging problem you were trying to solve? You knuckle-down and focus, trying to come up with a great idea. Some things come to mind, but matter how hard you concentrate, you can’t come up with a solution you love. So, you decide to give it a...
Why is Creativity Hard for Groups and Individuals?

Why is Creativity Hard for Groups and Individuals?

Creativity on demand is hard. Whether you work alone or with teams, there are challenges working against you when new and innovative ideas are needed. When you think of creativity, you may imagine a lone artist working to bring their imagination into our reality. They...