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The People Brand

If I asked you to name a brand you might mention Coca-Cola, Nike, Apple, or Starbucks. But what is a brand? It’s not just a logo. I could create a logo just like Apple’s. But it doesn’t mean my company will instantly be successful. The brand...

What about the next day?

I’ll be honest.  This scares the bejeebers out of me: is a live whiteboard in which anyone can move magnetic letters around to spell out words, etc. Lets see how many times the word “Digg” can be spelled out in a room! This is the...

Naked Messages

Some business owners say they don’t “buy into” marketing. They characterize their business as nuts and bolts. Providing a high quality product to the customer is the path to success. By educating the public about the superior features of your...


My wife and I attended a piano concert this week. Before the pianist would play a piece, he would give some background on the composer and the meaning behind the composition. It was amazing how knowing the background of Debussy’s General Lavine made it more...