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Inspired by More

In 6 quick minutes, this short film reminds me of Orbiting the Giant Hairball in stop-motion animation. I saw this years ago and recently thought to search for an online version. It is compelling. View “More”

Big Ideas vs. Big Distractions

What is the big idea in what you do? In why you do it? In how you do it? Ask most business people those three questions and you get three answers: Money Money Money And those answers happen to be: Wrong Wrong Wrong Money is the sustainer. It allows you to accomplish...

Where is Your Change Friction?

How does change occur? From the inside-out or from the outside-in? Answer: Both. This is true of people and organizations. Before this change happens, there is friction. Either friction on the inside or friction on the outside. Friction is really neither a good thing...

Breeding Stallers

Everybody stalls. …but not everyone knows why. I helped a VP of sales set up a program for listing available territories and each territory’s potential customers. The idea was that if they saw the untapped potential (of which the sales manager and CEO were...


If you’re like many others in America, you watch CSI (Crime Scene Investigators). My wife and I are hooked on the show. I could go without some of the gory scenes, but the combination of evidentiary crime solving and character development is apparently appealing...