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Why Training Doesn’t Work

David Maister points out why he says training is useless. He sums it up: So, let’s summarize, I say. You’ve chosen people who don’t want to do the job, who haven’t demonstrated any prior aptitude for the job, and you are rewarding them for things other than doing the...


If you haven’t checked out Squidoo, well it is worth a visit. By searching Seth Godin’s brainchild, I’ve found some great information on HR and ideas for a professional organization to which I belong. Check out my lens when you have a moment. I...

Breeding Stallers

Everybody stalls. …but not everyone knows why. I helped a VP of sales set up a program for listing available territories and each territory’s potential customers. The idea was that if they saw the untapped potential (of which the sales manager and CEO were...

Recycling Human Resources

Corporate recycling programs have gone from exclusive to expected. Many companies today recycle their paper, wood products, metal, ink cartridges, computer equipment, etc.. These items are reshaped or refilled so they can be a renewable source of supply. So businesses...