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Micro Messages

There’s a lot of talk about Story today. Story with a capital “S.” We focus on the big story, but it is hard to write. It seems daunting to write our big “S” Story. We struggle to answer if someone asks us to summarize our life story,...

Global Leadership Summit – Bill Hybels

I have been spending the last few days at Willow Creek Association’s Global Leadership Summit. I thought I would share just a few of the brilliant thoughts shared by leaders. Today I’ll start with Bill Hybels, Sr. Pastor of Willow Creek Church. Bill Hybels...

Global Leadership Summit – Bill Hybels

I have been spending the last few days at Willow Creek Association’s Global Leadership Summit. I thought I would share just a few of the brilliant thoughts shared by leaders. Today I’ll start with Bill Hybels, Sr. Pastor of Willow Creek Church. Bill Hybels...