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Prostituting Your Business

Andrea Learned’s series of posts this week points to the dirty grout surrounding these tile ads. The problem with ads like these is that they work… temporarily. They get attention and may even get a “decent” response (greater than 2% –...

7 Minute Rant – 8/12/05

I got a few nice comments about last week’s 7 minute rant, and in light of Seth’s article on two kinds of writing, I thought I might keep it up. How come I can’t buy one nail or screw from the hardware store anymore. Used to be, you could grab these...

What Women Want from Websites

OK, so bloggers like Andrea Learned and Jory Des Jardins have me thinking I’ve ignored women too much in my marketing. But that wasn’t enough, CNN had to tell me that I’ve ignored them in web design as well. This article reports that 94% of...

7 Minute Rant

I’m short on time today, but feel like I can’t pull off a formulated post. So, I decided to use 7 minutes to rant random thoughts. How come no one wants minimum wage to work as a Wal-Mart cashier, but so many of us are willing to do it for free ala...