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What to Do When Panic Strikes

This time of year can be stress-inducing. Making sure your holiday shopping is done. Preparing for travel, or for others to visit. Wrapping up year-end details at work. Finalizing planning for the next year (budgets, staffing, etc.). In moments like this when the...

The Power of Creating Traditions

When I was a kid growing up in rural Oklahoma, we would drive twenty miles to a neighboring town at Christmastime each year. We would wind through neighborhoods illuminated with yard decorations. After doing this for years, I anticipated some of the special displays...

The Churn: 3 Ways to Rise to the Top

What is happening today? Technology continues to change the way we work at an ever-increasing pace. Robotics, artificial intelligence and automation threaten a spectrum of jobs, including those of highly skilled workers. Data-driven organizations and Wall Street...

What Story Does Your Book Cover Tell?

Despite the advice of the famous idiom, people do judge books by their covers. We have to. With the overwhelming amount of data we encounter and the effects of decision fatigue, we look for shortcuts to make our decisions. For example, let’s say you go to a...

How Poor Leadership Creates an Average Culture

When you put ice in a cup of hot tea, why does the ice melt and the tea get colder? This sounds incredibly basic, but it’s one of the laws of thermodynamics, which explains how objects move toward equilibrium. It is helpful for leaders to understand this...