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Trust and the Self-Unaware Leader

A recent HBR article discusses how leaders have to show they trust employees in order for employees to trust them. It’s a very good article that gives sound advice. One point in particular stuck out to me. Managers often lack the self-awareness required to...

Why Leaders aren’t the Heroes

When you think of great leaders, who comes to mind? Probably someone who had to overcome huge challenges to accomplish something of great worth. In storytelling, that is the definition of a hero. And that seems to fit. Leaders and heroes are often synonymous in our...

Tom Peters and the Revolution of Leadership

In honor of the Jack Covert Award being given to Tom Peters, I thought I would share some of Tom’s quotes. Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders. Celebrate what you want to see more of. Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence...

Confidence and the Power of Transformational Leaders

Creative leadership is more than the sum of both characteristics: be creative + hold a leadership role. That focuses on an individual’s capacity. Effective creative leaders encourage and inspire others to be more creative. Not only is this important, according...

The Future of Creativity, Leadership and You

As you read about creativity and leadership, you may wonder why it matters. Why does it matter in general and to you specifically? There are some words we use so often and broadly that their meaning gets watered down. That’s the case with...