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Permission Granted

Permission Granted

During her creativity workshop, Liz Gilbert asks people to write a note from the principal’s office giving themselves permission to do whatever it is that they want to do. Does this change anything? No. But it changes everything. When we give ourselves permission, we...
Comfort and Courage

Comfort and Courage

Comfort and courage are two opposing ends of a spectrum. The more comfort you seek, the less courage you’ll exercise. Consider this when you feel discomfort. It’s not necessarily signaling true danger, but it could be a call for courage. Maybe the changes...
Doubling The Wrong Remedy

Doubling The Wrong Remedy

Criticism is necessary. We need feedback on the work we are doing. But what happens when the majority of feedback is negative? Emotional intelligence expert Daniel Goleman says, it “shuts us down, puts us on the defensive, and narrows our possibilities to...


Hiring great employees is already challenging enough. Once you get them in the door, why would you tie one arm behind their back? This is the cost of a toxic work culture, a poorly designed workspace, and/or subpar technology. You may never realize the potential of...
Commencement Perspective

Commencement Perspective

This is the time each year we celebrate commencement. We often think of commencement events as something ending, but the word quite literally means the start of something. Something new is commencing.  This highlights the choice we make when we move on from...