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Disappearing Artists

Disappearing Artists

15 years ago, I read a book that changed my life: Orbiting The Giant Hairball by Gordon MacKenzie. Gordon shared how society robs us of the greatest gift we all receive at birth, our identity as creative geniuses. Schools and workplaces seem to work overtime...
Send It Back

Send It Back

Many people believe the apex of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is the fifth level of need: Self-Actualization. Later in life, Maslow added a level 5b: Self-Transcendence. He characterized this as altruistically helping others self-actualize. Once you are able to fulfill...
Blame This Post

Blame This Post

If a guaranteed success is required, don’t expect it to be highly innovative. Best practices and case studies will provide prescriptive solutions. Honestly, they don’t even provide guarantees. They provide examples of what worked in the past for someone else in a...
Alas, Poor Artist

Alas, Poor Artist

Choosing to be an artist isn’t life or death. It just feels like it. The primitive part of our brain reacts to fear of embarrassment, failure, and loss as if an actual predator is attacking. Times have changed.Failure is no longer fatal.It’s an ingredient for growth....
The Binary Lie

The Binary Lie

When it comes to embracing a creative identity, we believe that path is bifurcated between mega-success and devastating failure. This keeps us from pursuing creative endeavors because–honestly–both of these paths scare us. But the truth is there are many variations on...