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More Steve

Several Christmas seasons ago, we were spending time with my wife’s family. My sister-in-law Wendy asked her husband if he wanted more egg nog. “Would you like more, Steve?” she asked. Overhearing this, their young son decided he wanted another...

Your Name in Ink

Want to be an “expert source” for a news story? Penelope has some great advice for bloggers and non-bloggers alike.

When the Game Slows Down

Friday rolled by without a post. Mired in a consulting project, I could not free myself enough time to post. It’s becoming obvious that my system of writing will have to change. Adjusting back into agency life has been a little crazier than I expected. It has...

For Those of You Wondering…

Why is this a blog called Casual Fridays and its URL is Why Casual Fridays? I chose this blog name mostly because I knew I would struggle to post to the blog every day. I figured I could post something each week (though I struggle with that...