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Virtual Economics

used with permission. Virtual economies like that found in Second Life have shown that there is an intangible equity that can be monetized. “But we’re not a video game company.” You say. This is a lesson for every industry and every company. We all...

What You’re Supposed to Do

Moses supposes his toeses are roses, But Moses supposes erroneously, For Moses should knowses his toeses ain’t roses, As Moses supposes his toeses to be. Think about your day. About your roles in business and life in general. When you think of being a father,...

The Fat Brush

I mentioned we’re not very good at soundbites and snapshots. Why not? Because we typically paint pictures in big brushstrokes… with a fat brush. And we assume that… Ann Coulter represents most conservative republicans. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson...


$1 a month to save someone’s life? Blogidarity thinks so. Sometimes, the simple ideas are the most powerful. If you agree, you can donate on their homepage.